
Kennett Square Country and Golf Club

Kennett Square Golf and Country Club has made several improvements to improve dining experience following a mediocre grading by the Chester County Health Department.

The Country Club, which has 560 members, scored a 79 in the inspection conducted earlier this year. Rick Johnson, environmental bureau director at the Health Department, said a score in the 70s means there are critical violations that must be corrected.

In a follow-up inspection two weeks later, the Kennett Square Golf and Country Club fixed everything the inspectors found earlier to score a perfect 100, said Herb Redman, clubhouse manager. The facility has four separate eating places – the clubhouse, the pool snack bar, the halfway house and the 19th hole. All were graded as one unit.

“Our food and beverage operation now is at the highest it’s been in a long time,” Redman said. “We rarely get complaints from members. Our type of business is different than a public restaurant, because we deal with the same people every day. We know the people here and we can anticipate their needs and they have certain expectations.”

“Inventory is our biggest asset, it must be managed efficiently. Since we import our products from all corners of the globe, we have dock-to-stock times of six to eight weeks; we need to have the right product at the right time in the right quantities,” shares Rose Baldo, Principle, Julian Tile. “We are always analyzing our inventory to maintain the right balance between supply and demand. SYSPRO’s inventory module gives us the information we need to identify products, buying rules, preferred supplier, lead times and tracking. This gives Purchasing a clear picture so that they know exactly what to buy and how much.”

The vast improvement to Julian Tile’s inventory system thanks to the SYSPRO ERP software has given the importer an array of business management and operational advantages. Thanks to access to real time information, staff can retrieve crucial data, such as order quantities and due dates, that helps them work more efficiently and accurately. With the SYSPRO ERP, Julian Tile has also enjoyed a marked shift in the efficiency of the cost apportioning process, previously a cumbersome and time-consuming task requiring manual input to an Excel? spreadsheet. The cost apportionment functionality in SYSPRO allows the Julian Tile sales team to remain as competitive and profitable as possible with exact knowledge of margins in real time. The SYSRPO ERP has also made the quoting process easier for Julian Tile, allowing for customization and the creation of rules to automatically generate accurate sales order prices. This has helped to bolster the whole customer side of the business.

“With SYSPRO, the work is done for us, and changes to any of the cost variables are instantly reflected in the system,” says Baldo. “Quoting on a job can be very complicated, as there are many variables to consider. However, SYSPRO has made it easy by relating all the information to produce a comprehensive picture of our bottom line, and as a result we can make proactive financial and operational management decisions with assurance. Over the years, SYSPRO has easily adapted to our changing business needs. It has driven efficiency throughout our organization which has allowed us to remain competitive in the market.”

