
Modern is the new look for fireplaces

Those flames dance around shiny, colored glass, synthetic river rocks or ceramic balls instead of the usual simulated logs. Some have built-in LED lights so the flames or the simulated embers appear to burn red, blue or green. New technology has made it possible for long, continuous burners to allow for a smoother mix of gas and air that results in a more natural-looking flame. The latest glass doors are metal free.

Still, if you love the traditional look of logs, you can get them in a gas fireplace, even if you opt for one of the 40- to 60-inch wide fireboxes or one in a round or geometric shape.

If you're in the market for a new fireplace, consider:

The brand-new styles are stark and sleek, featuring frameless fireboxes that sit higher on the wall than the traditional box that rests at floor level.

That ultra-modern look might not blend with your traditional, Southern family room. So if you love the new look but don't want it to clash, consider using that contemporary unit as a second fireplace in another room where it will fit in a little better.

Do consider second and third fireplaces. Lots of homeowners are adding fireplaces to bedrooms and kitchens for a combination of warmth and ambiance.

You have lots of choices. So if you visit a fireplace showroom with only a few styles, keep shopping. From super-sleek to traditional, there's a firebox out there with your name on it.

Decide whether you want your fireplace to help heat your room or just look pretty. Starting in April, manufacturers of purely decorative fireplaces will not be allowed to advertise them as heaters or equip them with thermostat controls. Only fireplaces that meet energy-efficiency standards will qualify to claim they are heaters. That way, you'll know exactly what you're buying.

If you're updating your firebox, consider replacing the backsplash and hearth to complement the new look. Stone veneer, brick and porcelain tile for both come in practically limitless styles.

Now is the perfect time to equip your patio with an outdoor fireplace, fire pit or chiminea. Especially if your patio doubles as an outdoor kitchen or the place where your family's football fans gather on Sunday afternoons, you'll enjoy it more if you can stay warm while you're outside.

If you still have a wood-burning fireplace, consider switching to gas this fall. A gas fireplace is easier on the environment and way simpler to keep clean.

Hire a professional to clean your chimney regularly, whether you burn gas or wood. And install carbon monoxide alarms near bedrooms if any of your home's appliances are gas-fueled.

